Tuesday, February 27, 2007

For this lecture we looked more in depth at the specification required by RTE mostly concerning the end credit sequence. This is a far more complex part of producing a programme than I first though there are many leagal aspects and guidlines that are followed in producing a programme. RTE reserves the right to cut credits or replace them if the specifications are not followed accordingly.No one can recieve more than one screen credit unless the are a prominent name in the industry e.g written and directed by. There are ten main specification listed by RTE to the individual in charge of the credit sequence. The responsibility is upon the producer to decide what credits are given within the maximum permitted duration for end credits. One importanrt specification is that no credits may be given toservices such as transport hire or filming locations.

We also looked at Michael Kahn an expert editor who has worked on great films such as 'Saving Private Ryan',' Minority report','Munich','War of the Worlds' and 'Schindlers list'. He has worked very closely with Steven Speilberg since 1977. He began his career in TV and worked on the sitcom Hogans Hero's which ran for six year. He said 'Editing is not a mechanical process. Whether you are cutting on a Moviola or an Avid, its all up here (points to head)and here (points to heart) All editors can cut the difference is the personality and their desire to make the best film they can.

Monday, February 19, 2007

For this class we studied the RTE delivery requirements conditions. One thing that struck me about this topic was the huge amount of paper work involved in the production of a programme for RTE. Comlpeted cheak list must accompany all programmes which are due at least one week before transmission, this includes stuff such as tape format visual resource sheet, television cue sheet, copyright clearences (so to avoid legal actions against the production) a total archive shot list, promotions tape on digi betaand cue sheet, press/information pack, Aertel Factsheet. All these and more are requirements by RTE as strict guidelines to be sure of quality and professionalism.